
Homeopathic Consultations

Chamber Locations & Visiting Hours:

Rabeya Homeo Hall, 39 Farmview Super Market (3rd Floor), Farmgate, Dhaka. Visiting hours: Friday & Saturday (10:00 am to 2:30 pm)

Rabeya Homeo Hall, Zohir Plaza (1st Floor), Savar Bus Stand, Savar, Dhaka. Visiting Hours: 5:30 -8:30 pm (Everyday)

Appointment: Patients are requested to confirm their appointments via WhatsApp message or direct call (01733797252)

Online Consultations:

Appointment Booking: Through WhatsApp message or call (+8801733797252)

Treatment Procedure:

Send medical reports, prescriptions, and relevant primary information beforehand.

20-30 minute video call, online chat, or phone consultation with Dr. Benojir.

Thorough case analysis and treatment plan discussion.

Medicine prescription and send via courier service with instructions.

Healthy Lifestyle Counselling

Provide counseling related to a healthy lifestyle, especially about stress management, food habits, physical exercise, sound sleep, and social media use.

Payment and Fees:

Online consultation fees are paid in advance via mobile banking (bKash, Rocket, Nagad).

The first consultation fee (including medicine for 4-6 weeks) varies from 1500-2000 BDT depending on the case.

Courier cost is paid by the patient.

Follow-up consultations every 4-6 weeks by appointment.